Journalists' Perceptions of Digital Technology and Field Digitalization - Questionnaire


Thank you for participating in this study. The purpose of this questionnaire is to explore how journalists at different positions within the journalistic field perceive and make sense of digital technology and its impact on the field. Your responses will contribute valuable insights to our understanding of subject-positions related to technology in journalism. Please provide honest and thoughtful answers.

Section 1: Demographic Information

  1. Name: ____________________
  2. Position/Role in the Journalistic Field: ____________________
  3. Years of Experience in Journalism: ____________________
  4. Type of Media Organization (e.g., newspaper, broadcast, online): ____________________

Section 2: Perceptions of Digital Technology

A. Macro Level (The Field and Influence from Other Fields) 5. How would you describe the overall impact of digital technology on the journalistic field?

  1. Do you believe that the influence of digital technology is mainly driven by developments within the journalistic field itself or by external factors from other fields? Please explain.

B. Meso Level (Positions and Hierarchies in the Field) 7. In your opinion, how has digital technology affected the distribution of power and hierarchies within the journalistic field?

  1. Have you observed any differences in the adoption and utilization of digital technology between different positions or roles within the journalistic field? If yes, please elaborate.

C. Micro Level (Individuals’ Dispositions and Ways of Doing Journalism) 9. How has your individual approach to journalism been influenced by the integration of digital technology?

  1. Can you share an example of a specific change in your journalistic practices that has been brought about by digital technology?

Section 3: Bourdieusian Theory and Capital

  1. To what extent do you agree with the idea that agents at different positions within the journalistic field possess varying forms of capital (e.g., social, cultural, economic) that influence their attitudes and practices?
  2. Based on your observations, how do you think the possession of different forms of capital affects journalists' perceptions of and responses to digital technology?

Section 4: Reflecting on Narratives

  1. Did your responses to this questionnaire align with the divisions and themes described in the Bourdieusian sociology framework, as applied to journalists' attitudes and practices related to digital technology? Please explain.

Section 5: Additional Comments

  1. Is there any other aspect of your experience with digital technology in the journalistic field that you would like to share?
